Albert discovered puppetry at about the age of 6. Through watching the ventriloquism greats of his time, like Jimmy Nelson & Paul Winchell, he became hooked and developed a genuine love for the art form. This admiration stayed with him throughout his childhood and well into adulthood. He frequently used Play-Doh, socks, and strings, then later cables, pulleys, and gears, to make puppets of his own. It wasn’t the puppets themselves that he was enamored by; it was the opportunity they presented— the opportunity for creative expression and for both puppeteers and audiences to share a brief escape from reality. The joy and excitement he experienced through these simple puppets are what Albert fell in love with and what he wanted to share with the world.

In the late 70’s, Albert invented a cable control mechanism that catapulted his art career and led him to develop a series of wildly popular shoulder puppets including WiseAces & Drabbits. The latter of which is still produced today at his art studio in Pennsylvania.

After years of practice and honing his skills, Albert decided to circle back to what started it all-- ventriloquism. He employed his unique and finely tuned skillset to breathe life into some of the most innovative ventriloquist characters the industry has ever seen. Albert’s ventriloquist figures are now world renowned and sought-after by performers and collectors from around the globe.